Accounting Cloud Software

Your Accounting Software should work for you

Switching to the cloud is not a silver bullet

We can look after all your daily bookkeeping, and if appropriate, can provide full ERP systems, at a low cost. This automates Invoicing and ending the separation of “accounts” and “business”  Bringing central business systems together in one place can result in massive savings in both time and money while simultaneously simplifying and formalising your unique business processes. Choosing and setting up your accounting system is vital 

Access Control is important

While it is convenient to have everyone accessing the cloud accounting system it’s important to maintain proper access control.

Not everyone needs access to the accounts system but depending on your accounting system it may be possible to allow some people to generate invoices and purchase orders without breaking the accounting system.

  • Each person needs a unique login to the system
  • Careful setup to ensure that the person has appropriate access
  • Remove users when they leave the company
  • At least two full administrators in case of emergency.

Automated systems can lead to a confusion

If we are allowing people to access the accounting system then we need to track actions and who did them. This is why everyone needs their own account, without that you have no way of tracking what is happening in your business.

While it may look great to have your accounting system linked to the bank account this can lead to duplication and in some cases so-called phantom transactions. This can very quickly lead to a set of accounts that are utterly meaningless without significant remediation.

Use an accountant with deep experience in cloud-based systems set up your accounting. it will save you money and give you better access to the state of your business in real-time