Virtual CFO and your business

What does a CFO do?

A Virtual CFO empowers the business with financial analysis allowing better business decisions.

Take control of your finances.

It is vitally important for any business. It usually involves employing an onsite accountant, or more often a bookkeeper, with a contract accountant to fix things up later. This leaves the business owner trying to remember and organise all their financial requirements as well as run the business and look after clients.

Your Virtual CFO officer will see patterns and be able to analyse the numbers making the job of a business owner easier.

A CFO will Highlight problems before they occur and identify the solutions.

Raising Capital

To take your company to the next level you will probably need to raise some capital Your potential investors require deep, accurate financial records and just as importantly projections. This is an area that Suzzanna has extensive experience, and can guide you through this demanding process.